From :Which Week | Enter the week of the month that DST will start. |
of the Month |
From: Day of the | Enter the day of the week that DST will start on. |
Week |
From: Month | Enter the month DST will start on. |
From: Time in | Enter the time of day that DST will start on. |
To: Which Week of | Enter the week of the month the DST will end. |
the Month |
To: Day of the | Enter the day of the week that DST will end. |
Week |
To: Month | Enter the month that DST will end. |
To:Time in HH:MM | Enter the time DST will end. |
DST Annual Settings
Using annual mode will enable DST seasonal time adjustment. Annual mode requires that the DST beginning and ending date be specified concisely. For example, specify to begin DST on April 3 and end DST on October 14.
From: Month | Enter the month DST will start on, each year. |
From: Day | Enter the day of the week DST will start on, each year. |
From: Time in | Enter the time of day DST will start on, each year. |
To: Month | Enter the month DST will end on, each year. |
To: Day | Enter the date DST will end on, each year. |
To: Time in HH:MM | Enter the time of day that DST will end on, each year. |
Click Apply to implement changes made to the Time Zone and DST window.
MAC Notification Settings
MAC Notification is used to monitor MAC addresses learned and entered into the forwarding database. To globally set MAC notification on the Switch, open the following window by opening the MAC Notification Settings in the Configuration folder.
MAC Notification Global Settings
This window is used to configure the MAC Notification Global Settings for the Switch.
To view this window, click Configuration > MAC Notification Settings > MAC Notification Global Settings as shown below: