General Description
This feature permits all stations to be assigned a Class of Service in accordance with the degree of system use desired. The Class of Service is used to assign restrictions for trunk access and feature access.
Station Application
All stations.
Operating Procedure
Normal operating procedures apply. Restrictions are automatically applied by the system based on the Class of Service assignments in system data for each station.
Service Conditions
1.Every extension is assigned as one of the following by Class of Service:
•House phone
•Automatic Intercom
•Dial Intercom
•Manual Intercom
•Multiline Terminal
•Single Line Telephone
2.A trunk route restriction class (from 1 to 8) is assigned for each station. This assignment is used to determine whether a station is allowed or denied outgoing or incoming access to trunk routes. All eight route restriction classes are assigned to allow or deny each trunk route. This allows the system to compare the station assign- ment with the trunk route assignment and determine whether access is denied or allowed. The default setting allows all stations access to all trunk routes.
3.The trunk restriction class is also used to provide flexibility in Code Restriction. Refer to the Code Restric- tion feature for details.
4.Sixteen combinations for each of three service classes (A, B, C) are available for assignment to stations. Based on the service feature class, the station is allowed or denied access to specific features. Each service feature class can be assigned to allow or deny each feature shown below.
•Service Class A
Call Forwarding - All Calls Call Forwarding - Busy Line Call Forwarding - No Answer Call Forwarding - Destination Call Hold
Trunk Queuing - Outgoing Call Back
Executive Override - Originate Executive Override - Receive Speed Calling - System
| NEAX2000 IVS2 |
Page 114 | Business/Hotel/Data Features and Specifications |