Station Hunting - Secretarial
4.Any number of stations in Station Hunting - Terminal groups and Station Hunting - Circular groups can have their calls rerouted to a station within the Station Hunting - Secretarial group. In practice, it is best for the pilot number of Station Hunting - Terminal groups and every member of Station Hunting - Circular groups to be assigned an entry extension into the Station Hunting - Secretarial group. All Station Hunting - Terminal and Station Hunting - Circular groups can be rerouted to a single extension within the Station Hunting - Secretarial group. Multiple entry points can be used by assigning different Station Hunting - Ter- minal pilot extensions and different Station Hunting - Circular member extensions to different Station Hunt- ing - Secretarial extensions.
5.Unlike the normal Circular Hunt group where a call to a member extension which has Call
6.One Station Hunting Secretarial group is available per system.
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