General Description
An Authorization Code is a numerical code which will temporarily change a stations' Class of Service to a Class of Service assigned to that Authorization Code. This new Class of Service allows access to trunks, dialing pat- terns, and/or features which would otherwise be restricted.
Station Application
All stations.
Operating Procedure
1.Lift handset and receive dial tone.
2.Enter the feature access code for Authorization Code.
3.Enter the Authorization Code.
4.Receive dial tone.
5.Enter the number to be called or access the desired feature.
Service Conditions
1.The feature access code for Authorization Code can be one to three digits.
2.Authorization Code Limitations
a.In the case of a system with AP01 card:
•Number of digits: 1
If Forced Account Code is utilized, the same number of digits must be assigned to Authorization Code and Forced Account Code.
•Number of codes: Up to 1,000 codes combined with Forced Account Code and Direct Inward Sys- tem Access (DISA) Code
b.In the case of a system without AP01 card:
•Number of digits: 1
•Number of codes: The maximum number of codes depends on the numbering scheme and digit number. For details, refer to APPENDIX 3.
3.Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR) will print an Authorization Code; however, masking of the Au- thorization Codes is available if desired.
4.Authorization Codes are assigned in system data from the Maintenance Administration Terminal (MAT) or the Customer Administration Terminal (CAT).
5.Authorization Code changes the Class of Service for that call only.
6.If the system is designated as KF Registration, this feature will not be available.
7.An Authorization Code can be assigned per a station number so that one code is used only on the specific station. Application Processor (AP01) is required.
| NEAX2000 IVS2 |
Page 46 | Business/Hotel/Data Features and Specifications |