Voicemail Pro Page 311
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Voicemail Pro Examples: Using VB Script
8.1.1 VBScript Properties Overview

The following properties can be accessed within VBScripts. Note that unless otherwise stated they are session based. The
data is specific to a particular Voicemail Pro call and does not persist between calls.
Voicemail contains various state variables that are associated with a specific interaction with voicemail. The system
variables listed map to properties associated with the object:
·$NAM – (read-only). For more information, see Name Property .
·$CLI – (read-only). For more information, see CallingParty Property .
·$RES – (read-write). For more information, see Result Property .
·$VAR – (read-write). For more information, see Variable Property .
·$SAV – (read-write). For more information, see SavedResult Property .
·$LOC – (read-write).For more information, see Locale Property .
The following properties are specific to queued and still queued call flows only.
·$QPOS – (read-only).For more information, see PositionInQueue Property .
·$QTIM – (read-only). For more information, see EstimatedAnswer Property .
The following properties are related to the messages within the mailbox.
·NewMsgs Property – Returns the count of new messages within the session’s mailbox. For more information, see
NewMsgs Property .
·OldMsgs Property – Returns the count of old messages within the session’s mailbox. For more information, see
OldMsgs Property .
·SavedMsgs Property – Returns the count of saved messages within the session’s mailbox. For more information,
SavedMsgs Property .
·LastAccessedMsg Property – Returns the name of the last recorded or accessed message. For more information,
see LastAccessedMsg Property .
Note: VB Scripting will only support variant types.
Internal Variables
Some of the variables that exist within Voicemail Pro can be split into smaller sections using a delimiter.
A CLI contains the number 01707364143. If the call flow references the variable as CLI@0,4 then the value 01707
will be returned as they are the first five numbers.