Voicemail Pro Page 53
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
Installing Voicemail Pro: Voicemail Email Installation Installing the VoiceMail Pro Software
To install the Voicemail Pro software
1. Log off and log back on using the Voicemail account and password.
2. Install the required Voicemail Pro software. For more information, see Installing Compact Voicemail Pro Server and
Client or Installing Typical Voicemail Pro Server and Client .
3. When the installation process requests a User Name and Password for the Voicemail Pro service, enter the
Voicemail account details.
4. Restart the server PC when requested and log on using the Voicemail account.
5. When SMTP email details are requested, enter no values and ignore the error message following the SMTP check.
6. Start the Voicemail Pro server service. For more information, see Starting the Voicemail Pro Service .
7. Check that the basic voicemail services start and operate correctly.
8. The next step is to switch the Voicemail Pro to MAPI operation. For more information, see Switching Voicemail Pro
to MAPI .
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