2.5 Voicemail Email Installation

Voicemail Email sends mailbox users who have been configured with an email address, an email whenever their mailbox contains a new message. The notification email can contain an alert about the message or an attached copy of the message.

Although they are similar in concept, Voicemail Email and Integrated Messaging Service (IMS) are two different components of Voicemail Pro and should not be confused.

Voicemail Email requires the voicemail server to be running under a user account that has access to either a MAPI enabled email client program on the server PC or access to an SMTP email server.

SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

This protocol allows the Voicemail Pro server to send outgoing emails to a specified SMTP server. Microsoft Exchange and most commercial email servers support SMTP to receive emails. SMTP for Voicemail Pro is therefore easy to implement in any business that has its own email server. For more information, see Installing Voicemail Pro for SMTP Voicemail Email


MAPI: Microsoft Windows Messaging Application Program Interface

This is a set of API's that allow MAPI applications to share information and messages. MAPI requires a MAPI compliant email client program to be installed on the Voicemail Pro server. It also requires the Voicemail Pro service to be run using a user account that is able to send emails via that MAPI client. Supported MAPI clients are:

Outlook 2000, 2002, 2003, 2007

MAPI Voicemail Email can be used with Voicemail Lite and Voicemail Pro. For Voicemail Pro installed as a service (the default on Windows 2000/2003/XP Professional), emails can be sent without having to open and run the MAPI email client program. For Voicemail Pro installed as a server program, the email client program may have to be left open for mail transfers to take place.

The exact method of integration between the voicemail server and the MAPI email client depends on whether the voicemail server is part of a work group or a domain. This guide contains examples for both approaches.

The MAPI process described in this guide was based on Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional with Microsoft Outlook 2000 and Microsoft Outlook Express 5.5. Steps may differ depending on the version of Windows and email client used.

2.5.1 Installing VoiceMail Pro for SMTP Voicemail Email

To install Voicemail Pro for SMTP Voicemail Email

1.Obtain details of an email account that the Voicemail Pro service can use from whoever administrates the customer's email server. The details required are:

Email address.

Server SMTP address.

Account user name and password.

2.Install the Voicemail Pro software as required.

3.After the server PC restart, enter the Voicemail Pro SMTP email account settings when requested.

4.Configure the appropriate user accounts with the user's email address. For more information,see Configuring Email Users and Groups for Voicemail Email.

Voicemail Pro

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Avaya 15-601063 manual Voicemail Email Installation, Installing VoiceMail Pro for Smtp Voicemail Email