Voicemail Pro Page 42
15-601063 Issue 20l (03 March 2009)IP Office
6.Restore the Database
The copy of the call flow database that contained any customizations made to the default call flow needs to be
1.Start Voicemail Pro.
2.From the File menu, select Import or Export. The Import or Export Call Flows window opens.
3.Select Import Call Flows.
4.Click Next.
5.Click the Browse button and locate the file that contains the backed up call flows.
6.Select the file and click Open.
7.In the Import or Export Call Flows window, click Next.
8.Click Finish to start importing the database.
9.Click Close to complete the import process.
10.Click on Save and Make Live to save the Call flows.
The new version of Voicemail Pro has been installed. Test that the system is running by dialing *17 from any extension.
You should hear the mailbox announcement.
2.4.2 Upgrade from Version 3.2+
You can directly upgrade versions of Voicemail Pro from Voicemail Pro 3.2 upwards. However we still recommend that
you follow the procedure for backing up the database before upgrading.
To upgrade from version 3.2 or higher:
1.Insert the new IP Office Voicemail Pro CD. The installation should auto-start. If it does not auto-start, click Browse
to locate Setup.exe on the CD and then run it. The Choose Setup Language window opens.
2.Select the installation language. The language selected is used for the installation.
3.Click OK. You are asked 'This setup will perform an upgrade of IP Office Voicemail Pro'. Do you want to continue?
4.Click Yes. The Upgrading the IP Office Voicemail Pro window opens.
5.Click Next to start the upgrade. The setup status window opens. The progress of the upgrade is indicated by a time
bar. When the InstallShield Wizard complete window opens.
6.Click Finish. The Email settings window opens.
7.Enter your email account details and click Next. The SMTP Email settings window opens.
8.Enter your SMTP Email details and click Finish. he SMTP settings entered will be validated. If an error occurs, the
validating configuration window opens containing the error . For more information, see SMTP Errors .
9.Click Yes when asked if you want to start the Voicemail Pro service.
The new version of Voicemail Pro has been installed. Test that the system is running by dialing *17 from any extension.
You should hear the mailbox announcement.