3. Remote Contacts/I ce Level Input — Ter mination of comp ressor operation occurs when ICE
BUILD TERMINATION is set to CONTACTS ONLY OPTION and the remote contacts are
open. In this case, the co nt acts are provided for ice level termination c ont rol. The remote
contacts can still be opened and close d to start and sto p the chiller when the Ice Build Time
Schedule is UNOCCUP I ED. The contacts are used to stop the ICE BUILD mode when the
Ice Build Time Sched ule is OCCUPIED.
4. ECW TEMPERATURE and Remote Contacts — Termination of compressor operation shall
occur when ICE BUILD TERM I NATION is set to BOTH (te m per a ture and contacts) opt ion
and the previously described conditions for ECW TEMPERATURE and remote contacts
have occurred.
ACTIVE DEMAND LIMIT variables by CCN devices (with a priority less than 4) during
the ice build period is not pos s i ble. However, over r idi ng can be accomplish ed wi th CCN
during two chiller lead /lag.
Return to Non-Ice Build Operations
Upon termination of ice bu ild, the machine shall r et urn to normal temper at ure control and
start/stop schedul e ope ration. If the CHILLE R S T ART/STOP or WATER/B RI NE CONTROL
POINT has been forced (w it h a priority less than 4), pr io r to entering ice build op eration, then
chiller START/STOP and WATER/BRINE CONTROL POINT forces will be removed.