During the machine start -up, the PIC will energiz e t he oil pump and provide 15 s ec on ds of
prelubrication to t he be arings after the oil pre s s ur e is v er i fied and before the cont rols start the
compressor. During shutdown, the oil pump will run for 60 seconds after the compressor
actually shuts down fo r the purpose of post-lub r ic at ion. The oil pump can als o be en ergized for
testing purposes in cont rols test.
Ramp loading can slow the rate of guide vane opening t o minimize oil foaming at st art-up. If
the guide vanes open quickly, the s udden drop in s uction pressure c an cause any refrig erant in
the oil to flash. The resu lt ing oil foam cannot be pum ped efficiently; oil pres s ur e falls off, and
lubrication is poor. I f oi l pressure falls below 15 ps i ( 90 kPa) differential, the PIC will shut down
the compressor.
Oil reclaim is accomplished by returning the system oil through the check valve/orifice (Item
11). As oil builds up behind the second stage impelle r, it is drained by the chec k v alv e /orifice
back into the oil reserv oir . An oil/refrigerant mi x tu re is drawn up from the oper at ing level of the
cooler into the guide vane housing. This assists the oil return system at low load operating
Click here for Figur e 5 — Hermetic Compressor Lu brication System (EX Compressor Shown)