* [LIMIT] is shown on the LID as the temperature, pre ssu re, voltage, etc., set po int predefined or select ed
by the operator as an over r ide , alert, or alarm condi ti on. [VALUE] is the actual pr e ssure, temperatur e,
voltage, etc., at which t he control tripped.
Table 8 — LID P rimary and Se condary Mes sages and Cust om Alarm/A le rt Messages with Troubleshooting Guides G. Compressor Jumpstart and Refrigerant ProtectionPrimary Message Secondary
Message Alarm Message/Pri mary
Cause Additional Cause/Remedy
Unit Should Be
Stopped CA P Emergency: Compres-
sor running without c ontrol
Compressor is running with
more than 10% RLA and contro l
is trying to shut it down. Throw
power off to compresso r if
unable to stop. Determi ne cause
before repowering.
Potential Freeze-
Evap Press/Temp
Too Low ERT Emer gency: Freeze-up
prevention. Determine cause. If pumping
refrigerant out of machi ne, stop
operation and go over pu mpout
Failure To Stop
Disconnect Power RUN AUX Emergency: DIS-
CONNECT POWER. Starter and run and s tart con-
tacts are energized while control
tried to shut down. Di sconnect
power to starter.
Loss Of
With Starter Loss of Communication with
Starter: Check machine. Check wiring from PSIO to
SMM. Check SMM module trou-
bleshooting procedure s.
Starter Contact
Abnormal 1CR or
RUN AUX 1CR AUX Starter Contact
Fault: Check 1CR/1M au x.
Starter run and start contacts
energized while mach ine was
off. Disconnect power .
Potential Freeze-
Cond Press/Temp
Too Low CRT [VA LUE] exceeded limit
of [LIMIT]* Emergency:
Freeze-up prevention.
The condenser pressure t rans-
ducer is reading a pr essure that
could freeze the water in the
condenser tubes. Check for con-
denser refrigerant l eaks, bad
transducers, or tra nsferred
refrigerant. Place the u nit in
Pumpdown mode to elimi nate
ALARM if vessel is evacuated.