always a minimum flow byp assing the TXV, which fl ows t hrough an orifice. The TXV v al ve
regulates flow into th e oil /refrigerant plate an d frame-type heat exc han ger. The bulb for the
expansion valve cont r ols oi l temperature to the bear i ngs. The refrigerant lea ving the heat
exchanger then returns to the cooler.
On machines with FA compr es s or s , the oil is water cooled. Wat er f low through the oil cooler
is manually adjusted by a plu g valve to maintain an ope rating temperature at t he r es e rvoir of
approximately 145 F (63 C) .
Hermetic Machines (19 Series) Lubrication Cycle


The compressor oil pump and oil reservoir are located in the compressor base . Oil is pumped
through an oil cooler and a filter to remove heat and any f oreign particles. Par t of the oil flow is
directed to the compressor mo tor-end bearings and seal. The remaining flow lubricates the
compressor transmission, thrust and journal bearings and seal. Oil is then returned to the
reservoir to complete the cycle (Figure 5).

Click here for Figure 4 — Refr igerant, Motor Cooling, and Oil Cooling Cycles