Machine Alignment (Ope n-Drive Machines)

Alignment Metho d s

There are sever al established procedures for a ligning shaft s. The dial in dicator method is
presented here sinc e it is considered to be o ne of the most accurate and reliable. Another faster
and easier method for ali gnment involves the us e of laser alignment tool s and c om p uters.
Follow the laser tool manu facturer’s guide lin es when using the laser tech nique.
Where job cond itions such as close-spaced sh afts prohibit t he use of dial indicators for
coupling face readings, other instruments such as a taper gage may be used. The same
procedures described for the dial indicator may be used with the taper gage.
Shafts placed in perfe c t al ignment in the nonoper at ing (cold) condition wil l always move out
of alignment to some extent as the machine warms to operating temperature. In most cases,
this shaft misali gnment is acceptab le for the initial run-in period befo re hot check and alignment
can be made (s ee Hot Alignment Che ck section.)
1. Final shaft alignmen t must be within .002-in. TIR (Total Indicated Ru nout) in parallel.
Angular alignment mus t be within .00033 inches pe r inch of traverse acro s s the coupling
face (or inch of indicator swing diameter)

at operating temper at ures

. For example, if a
bracket-mounted i ndicator moves t hrough a 10-in. diameter circl e when measuring a ngular
misalignment, the all owable dial movemen t will be 10 times .00033 for a t ot al of .0033