If the bearing tempera ture rises and motor ope r at ion appears to be normal, operation
should continue until the bearing temperat ur es s t abilize. Recommended limits on bearing
temperature rises ov er am bi ent temperature are as f ollows:
Note: When operating flood- lub ricated sleeve beari ngs, the bearing temper at ure must not be
allowed to exc eed 185 F (85 C) total temper ature.
Sleeve Bearings Temperature Rise Over A mbient Temperature
By permanently installed detector 72° F (40° C)
By temporary detector on top of the
bearing sleeve near the oil ring 63° F (35° C)
Under normal conditions, for the self-lube bearing, the rate of temperature rise
should be from 20° to 25° F (11° to 14° C) for the first 10 minutes after starting up
and approximately 40° F (22° C) at 30 minutes. The rate of bearing temperature
rise is a function of the natural ventilation and operating conditions.