based on kW rate or t emperature rate. I t is accessed on the E quipment Configurat ion menu
Config screen (Table 2, Example 5).
9. On open-drive machi nes, the oil pump will be energ ized once every 12 hou r s dur in g
shutdown periods to ens ur e that the shaft seal is fil led with oil.
To Stop the Machine
1. The occupancy schedu le will start and stop the m ac h ine automatically on ce the time
schedule is set up.
2. By pressing the Stop bu tton for one second, the alar m li ght will blink once to con firm that
the button has been press e d, then the compress or wil l follow the normal shut down
sequence as described in the Controls section. The machi ne will not restart until the CCN or
LOCAL softkey is pres s ed. The machine is now in the O FF mo de .
Note: If the machine fails to st op, in addition to action that the PIC will initiate , t he op erator
should close the guide van es by overriding the gui de vane target to zero to reduce
machine load; t hen by opening the main disconn ect. Do not attem pt to stop the machine
by opening an isolatin g k nif e switch. High intens it y arcing may occur.

Do not restart

machine until the prob lem is di agnosed and correc te d.