Initial Coupled Start-Up
After initial uncouple d start-up, the follow ing steps should be taken to en s ur e s af e coupled
1. Follow the procedur e s ta ted in General Maintena nc e, Machine Alignment se c ti on to align
the motor to the driven m ac hi ne.
2. Prepare the coupling f or operation in accord anc e with the coupling manufa c tu rer’s
instructions. Note any match marks on the couplings and assemble accordingly. For sleeve
bearing motors, ver if y that the correct limit ed en dfloat coupling has been installed. The
endfloat limits can be f ound on the certified draw ing.
3. Ensure that all personnel are at a safe distance from rotating parts. Start the motor in
accordance with ins tru ctions supplied with the motor control.
4. If the motor rotor fail s to start turning in a secon d or tw o, shut off the power supply
immediately. This ca n r es ul t from:
a. Too low a voltage at the motor t erminals.
b. The load is too much for the r ot or to accelerate.
c. The load is frozen up mechan ically.
d. All electrical conne c ti ons are not made.
e. Single phase po wer has been a pplied.
f. Any combination of the abov e .
Investigate thorou ghly and take correcti v e ac t ion before attempting a r es t art.