Pumpout and Refrigerant Transfer Procedures


The 17/19EX may come eq uipped with an option al pumpout compresso r. The refrigerant ca n
be pumped for service work t o either the cooler/co ndenser/compres s or s ec t ions or the utility
vessel by using the pumpout system. The following procedures are used to describe how to
transfer refrigerant from vessel to vessel and perform machine evac u ations.

Operating the Optional Pumpout Compressor

1. Be sure that the suctio n and the discharge servi c e v alv e s on the optional pumpo ut
compressor are open (backseated) during operation. Figure 32 sh ows the locatio n of these
valves. Rotate the v alve stem fully count erclockwise to op en. Front seating th e valve closes
the refrigerant line an d opens the gage port to co m pr es s o r pressure.
2. Make sure that the compresso r holddown bol ts have been loosened to a llow free sprin g
3. Open the refrigerant inlet valve on the pumpou t compressor.
4. Oil should be visible in the compressor sight glass under all ope rating condition s and during
shutdown. If oil is low, add oil as described under Optional Pumpout System Maintenance
section. The pumpout unit control wiring sc hem a tic is detailed in Figu r e 33 . The Optional
Pumpout System is detailed in Figure 34.