* If a machine configur at ion other than 2-pass, 150 psig (1034 kPa), NIH water b ox configuration is us ed , refer to the Additiona l Cooler
Weights or Additi ona l Condenser Weights t abl es, Table 11 and T abl e 13 to obtain the addition al dry and water weights t hat must be
added to the values shown i n this table.
† Cooler and condenser we ights shown are based upon 2-pass, nozzle-in- hea d (NIH) waterboxes with 15 0 psig (1034 kPa) covers .
Includes component s attached to cooler, but does not include suctio n/discharge, elbow , or other interconnect in g piping.
** Dry weight include s all components attach ed to economizer: Cover s , f loa t valves, brackets, control center (31 lb [14 kg] ), and power
panel (20 lb [9 kg]). Dr y weight does not include compressor weight, mo tor weight, or pumpdo wn condensing unit weigh t. The pumpdown
condensing unit we igh t is 210 lb (95 kg). For compre ssor and motor weights, r ef er to Table 12.
†† Operating weight inc l udes dry weight, refrig erant weight, and wat er wei ght.
Table 10 — 17/19EX Heat Exchanger, Economizer/Storage Vessel, Piping, and Pum pout Un it Weights* (Page 1 of 2)Cooler
Cooler Total Weight Cooler Charge Economizer/
Refrigerant Miscellaneous
Piping Pumpout
Dry** Operating†† Refrigerant Water lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
41 21,674 9 831 26,120 11 848 2, 005 909 2,441 1 107
7,169 3 525 610 277 1,095 497
210 95
42 22,019 9 988 26,736 12 127 2, 142 972 2,575 1 168
43 22,364 10 144 27, 322 12 393 2, 249 1 020 2,709 1 229
44 23,841 10 814 29, 836 13 533 2, 710 1 229 3,285 1 490
45 25,032 11 354 30, 790 13 966 2, 752 1 248 3,006 1 363
7,900 3 583 844 383 1,149 521
46 25,529 11 580 31, 658 14 360 2, 937 1 332 3,192 1 448
47 26,025 11 805 32, 496 14 740 3, 093 1 403 3,378 1 532
48 28,153 12 770 36, 053 16 353 3, 727 1 691 4,173 1 893