Oil Charge
If oil is adde d, it must m eet Carrier’s spec ification for centrifugal com pressor usage a s
described in the Scheduled Maintenance, Oil Specification section.
On hermetic machines, ad d oil through the oil drai n c har g ing valve (Figure 3, Item 26). A
pump is required for add ing oil against refrigeran t pressure. The pumping device must be able
to lift from 0 to 150 psig (0 to 1034 kPa) or above unit pressu re. On open-drive mach ine s, oil
may be added through the oil dr a in and charging valve (F igure 2, Item 18) using a pu m p.
However, an oil charging elbow o n the seal-oil re turn chamber (Figu re 6) allows oil to be added
without pumping. The s eal oil return pump automat ically transfers the oil to the main oil
Oil should only be charged or removed when the machine i s shut down. Maximu m oil level is
the middle of the upper sigh t glass.
Power Up the Controls and Check the Oil Heater
Ensure that an oil level is v is ib le in the compressor bef ore energizing contr ols . A separate
disconnect energiz es th e oil heater and the control circuit. When first po wer e d, the LID should
display the default sc r een within a short period of time .
The oil heater is energ ized by powering the con trol circuit. This shou ld be done several hour s
before start-up to min im iz e oil-refrigerant mi gr at ion. The oil heater is cont rolled by the PIC and
is powered through a cont actor in the power panel . Starters contain a sepa rate circuit breaker to