power the heater and the con trol circuit. This set up all ows the heater to energiz e wh en the
main motor circuit brea ker is off for service work or ex t ended shutdowns. The oi l hea ter relay
status can be viewed on the Status02 screen on the LID. Oil sump temperature can be viewed
on the LID default screen .

Software Version

The software versio n will always be labe led on the PSIO module , and on the back side o f the
LID module. On both the Controller ID and LID ID display screens, the software version number
will also appear.
Set Up Machine Control Configuration
As configuration of the 17 /19EX unit is performed, write down all configur at ion settings. A
log, such as t he one shown in Initial Start-Up Ch ecklist, provides a con v eni ent list for con-
figuration values.
Do not operate the machine before the control configurations have been checked
and a Control Test has been satisfactorily completed. Protection by safety con-
trols cannot be assumed until all control configurations have been confirmed.