At shutdown, oil level s ho uld be halfway in the lower s ig ht glass.
4. The oil pressur e should be betw een 18 and 30 psi (124 to 207 kPa) differential, as s een on
the LID default screen . Typically the reading wil l be 18 to 25 psi (124 to 172 kPa) at initial
5. The moisture indicat in g sight glass on the refrig erant motor cooling lin e should indicate
refrigerant flow and a dr y c on dition.
6. The condenser pressu re and temperature varies wi th the machine design con ditions.
Typically the press ur e wi ll range between 100 and 210 psig (690 to 1450 kPa) with a
corresponding temperature range of 60 to 105 F (15 to 41 C). The condenser entering
water temperature sh oul d be controlled below the s pe cified design enteri ng wa ter
temperature to save on compressor kilowatt req uirements. The leavin g c ond enser water
temperature should be at least 20° F (11° C) above lea ving chilled water temp er at ure.
7. Cooler pressure an d temperature also w ill vary with the des ign conditions. Typi cal pressure
range will be between 60 an d 80 psig (410 and 550 kPa), wit h temperature ranging
between 34 and 45 F (1 and 8 C).
8. The compressor may op erate at full capacity f or a short time after the pul ldown ramping has
ended, even though th e bui lding load is small. The ac ti ve electrical demand se tt in g can be
overridden to limit t he c om p ressor IkW, or the pulldo wn rate can be decreased to av o id a
high demand charge for t he short period of high dem and operation. Pulldown r at e can be