Adding Refrigerant
Follow the proce dures described in Charge Refrige r ant into Machine section.
Removing Refrigerant
When the optional pumpout system is used, the 17/19EX refrigerant charge may be
transferred to a storag e vessel, or within the util ity vessel. Follow proce dures in the Pumpout
and Refrigerant Trans f er Procedures section whe n removing refrigeran t.
Adjusting t h e Refrigerant Charge
If the addition or removal of refri gerant is required for improved machine performance, fol low
the procedures g iven under the Trim Refrigerant Charg e section.
Always use the compressor pumpdown function in the Control Test mode to turn
on the evaporator pump and lock out the compresso r w hen transferring refri ge r-
ant. Liquid refrige rant may flash into a gas and ca use possible freeze-u p when the
machine pressure is be low 30 psig (207 kPa) for HFC - 134 a.