Technique s
After hot align ment check has been completed, t he compressor, gear and drive must be
doweled to their so leplates. Doweling permits exact repos itioning of compo nents if they have to
be moved.
1. Doweling must be compl eted with equipment at maximum operating tem perature (full load).
2. Use no. 8 taper dowels to dow el compressor, gear and dr i ve to the base. Use a 13/32-in .
drill and no. 8 taper r eamer with straight f lutes. Drill pilot hole a nd then expand the pil ot hole
to final dimen sion.
3. Fit dowel so that 1/16-in . of taper is left above the equ ipment foot. If dowel ho les ar e
rereamed as a result of re - ali gnment, be sure dowels are tight and do not bottom.
4. Place dowels as nearly v er t ical as possible.
5. Coat the dowels with wh it e lead or other lubricant to pre vent rusting.
6. Tap dowel lightly int o pos i tion with a small machinist ’s hammer. A ringing soun d will
indicate prope r seating.
Dowel the suction end of t he c om p ressor base, the two fee t at th e high speed end of the
gear, and the drive fee t in accordance with t he drive manufacturer’ s instructions. The num ber of
dowels used in the driv e is us ua lly four, but some manuf ac t urers require more.