To Read Ref rigerant Pr essures during pumpout or leak testing:
1. The LID display on the mac hi ne control center is sui ta ble for determining refr ige rant-side
pressures and low (soft) vacuu m. For evacuat ion or dehydration measurement, use a
quality vacuum indi cator or manometer to ensure the desir ed range and accuracy. This can
be placed on the Schrader connections on each vessel (Figure 7 and F igure 8) by removing
the pressure transducer.
2. To determine ut ility vessel pr essure, a 30 in.-0 -400 psi (-101-0 -2760 kPa) gage i s attached
to the vessel.
3. Refer to Figure 32 for valve locations and numbers.
Transfer, additio n, or removal of refrigerant i n sp ri ng-isolated machine s may
place severe stress on external piping if springs have not been blocked in both
up and down directions.
Click here f or Figure 32 — Pumpout Arrangement and Valve Number Locations
(12-ft Vessel Shown)