Oil Cooler
The oil must be cooled when the compressor is running.
EX Compressors: This is acc omplished through a smal l, plate-type heat exchan ger. The heat
exchanger uses liquid condenser refrigeran t as t he cooling liquid. A refr ige rant thermostatic
expansion valve (TXV) regulates refrigerant flow to control oil temperature entering the
bearings. There is alwa ys a flow of refrigerant by pas s i ng the TXV. The bulb for the ex pa nsion
valve is strapped to the oi l supply line leaving the heat exchanger and the valve is s et to
maintain 110 F (43 C).
Note: The expansion valve is not adjustable. Oil sump temperatu re may be at a lowe r tempera-
FA Compressors: The oil cooler is a water coole d, tube-in-shell type heat exch anger. A plug
valve is manually set t o maintain proper temper atures. Set the valve t o maintain 145 F (63 C) oil
sump temperatures while the compressor is running.
Remote Start/Stop Controls
A remote device, such as a timeclock which uses a set of contacts, may be used to start and
stop the machine. Howev er , the device should not be pr ogr a mmed to start and stop the
machine in excess of 2 or 3 times every 12 hours. If more than 8 starts in 12 hours occur, then
an Excessive Starts alarm is displayed, preventing the machine from starting. The operator
must reset the alarm at the LID in order to override the starts counter and start the machine. If