Start-Up/Shutd own/Recycle Sequenc e ( Figure 25)

Local Start- Up

Local start-up (or a manu al start-up) is initiated by pr e ssing the LOCAL menu softk ey wh ich
is on the default LID screen . Local start-up can proc ee d when Time Schedule 01 is in
OCCUPIED mode, and aft er th e internal 15-minute star t -to-start timer and the st op-to-start
inhibit timer have expi red.
The chiller start/st op status point on the Status01 table may be overridden to st art,
regardless of the time sc hed ule, in order to locally sta r t t he un it. Also, the remote conta cts may
be enabled through the LI D an d closed to initiate a start - up .
Whenever the chiller is in LO CAL control mode, the PIC wi ll wait for Time Schedule 01 t o
become occupied and the r em o te contacts to close, if en abl ed. The PIC will then perfor m a
series of pre-start checks to verify that all pre-start alerts and safeties are within the limits
shown in Table 3. The run status line on the LID now reads ‘‘Starting.’’ If the ch ecks are
successful, the chi lle d water/brine pump rela y will be energized. Five second s later, the
condenser pump re lay is energized. T hirty seconds later the PIC monitors the c hilled water and
condenser water flow swi tches, and waits until t he


configured, default 5 m inu tes) to confirm flow. Aft er fl ow is verified, the chilled water/brine
temperature is compa r ed t o




. If the temperature is le s s
than or equal to this value, the PIC will turn off the cond enser pump relay and go into a