Table 8 — LID Primary and Secondary Messages and Custom Alarm/Aler t Mess ages with Troubleshooting Guides N. Other Problems/Malfunctions
Description Remedy
Chilled Water/Br ine
Temperature Too
(Machine Running)
Chilled water set point set too high. Access set point on LID and verify.
Capacity override or ex cessive cooling load (m achine at design capacity) . Check LID
status messages. Ch eck for outside air infil tration into condition ed space.
Condenser temperature too high. Check for pr oper flow, examine coolin g tower opera-
tion, check for air or water leaks, check for fouled tubes.
Refrigerant level lo w. Check for leaks, add re frigerant, and trim char ge.
Liquid bypass in water box. Examine division p lates and gaskets for leak s.
Guide vanes fail to o pen. Use Control Test to check operation.
Chilled water control point too high. Access control algorithm status and check chilled
water control operat ion.
Guide vanes fail to open f ully. Be sure that th e guide vane target is relea sed. Check
guide vane linkage. Check l imit switch in actuator. Chec k that sensor is in the prope r ter-
Chilled Water
Temperature Too
(Machine Running)
Chilled water set point set too low. Access set point on LID and verify.
Chilled water control point too low. Access control algorithm status and check chilled
water control for pr oper resets.
High discharge tempera ture keeps guide vanes ope n.
Guide vanes fail to close. Be sure th at guide vane target is released. Check chi lled water
sensor accuracy. Ch eck guide vane linkage. Che ck actuator operatio n.
Chilled Water
Fluctuates. Vanes
Deadband too narrow. C onfigure LID for a larger deadband.
Proportional bands too narrow. Either INC o r DEC proportional band s should be
Loose guide vane drive . Adjust chain drive.
Defective vane actua tor. Check through Co ntrol Test.
Defective temperature sensor. Check sensor ac curacy.
Low Oil Sump
Temperature While
Running (Less than
100 F [38 C])
Check for proper oil l evel (not enough oil).
At Power Up, Default
Screen Does No t
Appear, “Tables
Loading” Message
Continually Appears
Check for proper comm unications wiring on PSIO module. Check that the COMM 1 com-
munications wires fr om the LID are terminated t o the COMM1 PSIO connectio n. Check
for ground or short on CCN system wiring.