Check the cooler pressure on the LID default screen, and compare to the original holding
charge that was left in th e m ac hi ne. If (after adjusting f or ambient temperatur e c han ges) any
loss in pressure is indicated, check for refrigerant leaks. See Check Machine Tightness section.
Recharge the mach ine by transfe rring refrigerant from the utility vessel. Follow the Pumpout
and Refrigerant Trans f er Procedures section. Observe freeze-up precautions.
Carefully make all regular preliminary and running system checks. Perform a controls test
before start-up. If the compressor oil level appea rs abnormally hig h, the oil may ha ve absorbed
refrigerant. Make sur e t hat the oil temperature is abov e 150 F (66 C) or cooler refrige rant
temperature plus 70° F (39° C).
Cold Weather Operation
When the entering conde nser water drops very low, t he P I C can automatically cyc le t he
cooling tower fans off t o k eep the temperature up. Pipin g may also have to be arrange d to
bypass the cooling tower as well as a tow er temperature control system.
Manual Guide Vane Operation
Manual operation of the guide vanes in order to chec k co nt rol operation or control of the
guide vanes in an eme rgency operation is possible by overrid ing the target guide va ne position.
Access the Status01 screen on the LID and highlight


. To
control the position, enter a percentage of guide vane opening that is desir ed. Zero percent is