Refriger ant Tracer
Use an environmentally ac c ep table refrigerant as a trac e r for leak test procedur es .
To Pressurize with Dry N itrogen
Another method of leak test ing is to pressurize wit h nit rogen only and use a soap bub ble
solution or an ultrason ic leak detector to determ in e if leaks are present. Th is should only be
done if all ref rigerant has b een evacuated fro m the vessel.
1. Connect a copper tube from t he pressure regulator on th e cylinder to the refrige rant
charging valve. Nev er app ly full cylinder pressur e to the pressurizing lin e. Follow the listed
2. Open the charging val v e fu lly.
3. Slowly open the cylinde r regulating valve.
4. Observe the pressure gage on the machine and close the regulating valve when t he
HFC-134a MUST NOT be mixe d with air or oxygen and pre ssurized for leak test-
ing. In general, this refrigerant should not be allowed to be present with high con-
centrations of air or o xyg en above atmospheric p ressures, as the mixture can
undergo combustion.