LID Default Screen Menu Items
To perform any of the operations described below, the PIC must be powered up and have
successfully completed its self test.
The Default screen menu selection offers four options (Status, Schedule, Setpoint, and
Service). The Status m enu allows for viewing and limi ted calibration/m odi fication of control
points and sensors, rel ay s and contacts, and the option s board. The Schedule menu al lows for
the viewing and modific at ion of the Local Control , CCN Control, and Ice Buil d time schedules.
Numerous set points inc lu ding Base Demand Limit, LCW, ECW, and Ice Build can be adjusted
under the Setpoint menu. The Service menu can be used to revise alarm history, control test,
control algorithm sta tus, equipment config uration, equipment ser v i ce, time and date, attac h t o
network, log out of device , controller identi fi cation, and LID config ur at ions. Figure 16 and
Figure 17 provide additional information on the men u structure.
Press the MENU softkey to select from the 4 options. To view or change parameters within
any menu structure, use the SELECT softkey to choose the desired table or item. The softkey
modification choices displayed will depend on whether the se lected item is a discrete point,
analog point, or an over r ide point. At this point, pr es s th e softkey that correspon ds to your
configuration sele c ti on or press the QUIT softkey . If the QUIT softkey is depre ssed, the
configuration will not be modified. Use the fol low ing softkeys to access an d select the desired