After Limited Shutdown
No special preparations should be necessary. Follow the regular preliminary checks and
starting procedures . Control Power must be maintained in ord er to keep oil temper ature hot and
all control safeties oper a tional. The oil pump on op en-drive machine s will operate occasional ly
to keep the con tact seal fi lled with oil to prevent ref rigerant loss .
Extended Shutdown
The refrigerant shou ld be transferred into the utility vessel (see Pum pou t and Refrigerant
Transfer Procedures) in order to reduce machine pr e ssure and possibil it y of leaks. Maintain a
holding charge of 5 to 10 lbs ( 2. 27 to 4.5 kg) of refrigera nt within the cooler/co ndenser/
compressor sections, to prevent air from leaking into the machine.
If freezing temperatu res are likely to occur in t he m ac h ine area, drain the chil led water,
condenser water, and t he pu mp-out condenser wat er circuits to avoid f r eez e -up. Keep the
waterbox drains open.
Leave the oil charge in the machine with the oil heater and controls energized to maint ain the
minimum oil reservoir temperature.
After Extended Shutdown
Be sure that the water system drains are closed. It may be advisable to flush the water
circuits to remove any soft rust which may have formed. This is a good time to brush the tubes if