Water/Brine Reset
Three types of chilled water or brine reset are available and can be viewe d or modified on the
Equipment Configu ration table Config selection .
The LID default screen status message indicates when the chilled water reset is active. The
Control Point temper at ure on the Status01 table indicates the machi ne’ s current reset
To activate a reset type, input all configuratio n information for tha t reset type in the Config
table. Then input the rese t type number in the


input line.
1. Reset Type 1 (Requires optional 8-input m odu le) — Automatic chilled water temperature
reset based on a 4 to 20 mA input signal. This type permi ts up to ±30° F (±16° C) of
automatic reset to the chill ed water or b rine temperature set point, b ased on the input from
a 4 to 20 mA signal. This sign al is hardwired into the number one 8-input mod ule .
If the 4-20 mA signal is ext ernally powered fro m the 8-input module, the si gna l is wired to
terminals J1-5(+) and J1-6(–). If the s ignal is to be inte rnally powered by t he 8-input module
(for example, when usin g variable resistanc e ), the signal is wired to J 1- 7( + ) an d J1-6(–).
The PIC must now be configur ed on the Service2 tabl e to ensure that the approp riate power
source is identified .
2. Reset Type 2 (Requires optional 8-input m odu le) — Automatic chilled water temperature
reset based on a remote te mperature senso r input. This type permits ±30 ° F (±16° C) o f