Transferring Refrigerant from Normal Operation into the Utility Vessel
These steps describe the method of moving refrigera nt from the cooler/con denser/
compressor sections into the utility vessel. This is normally performed for service work on the
cooler, condenser, or th e compressor componen ts or for long-term machi ne shutdown.
1. Isolate and push refr ige rant into the utilit y ves s el wi th the pumpout compress o r.
a. Valve positions: (Bl ank s pa ces indicate open val v es ) .
b. Turn off the machine wat er pum p s and pumpout condens er wat er.
c. Turn on pumpout compres s or t o push liquid out of the cool er/condenser/com pr es s o r
Valve 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Condition CC CCCC

Click here for Figure 33 — Pumpout Unit Wiring S c hematic (19EX Shown)

Click here f or Figure 34 — Optional Pumpout Compressor