Holiday Scheduling (Figure 24)
The time schedules may b e co nf igured for special oper at ion during a holiday per i od. When
modifying a time period, the ‘‘H’’ at the end of the d ays of the week fiel d signifies that the period
is applicable to a holid ay . (See Figure 24.)
The Broadcast functio n m us t be activated for the holida ys configured in the Holi def tables to
work properly. Access the Brodefs table in the Equipment Configuration table and answer
‘‘Yes’’ to the activated function. However, whe n the machine is connect ed to a CCN Network,
only one machine or CCN dev ice can be conf igured to be t he broadcast d evice. The con troller
that is configured to be t he br o adcaster is the device responsible for tran s m it ting holiday, time,
and daylight-savi ngs dates thro ughout the net work.
To view or change the holi day pe riods for up to 18 differ ent holidays, perform the f ollowing
1. At the Menu screen, press SERVICE to access the Service menu.