c. Plainly mark any leaks wh ich are found.
d. Release the pressure in the system.
e. Repair all leaks.
f. Retest the joints that we re repaired.
g. After successfully completing the test for large leaks, remove as much nitrogen, air, and
moisture as possible, given the fact that small leaks may be present in the system. This
can be accomplished by fo llowing the dehydratio n procedure, outline d in the Machine
Dehydration section.
h. Slowly raise the system pressure to the equivalent saturated pressure for the
surrounding temper at ure but no less than 35 psig (24 1 kPa) by adding HFC-134 a
refrigerant. Proceed with the test for small leak s ( S t eps 3-9).
3. Check the machine care fully with an electronic le ak detector, halide torc h , or soap bubble
4. Leak Determinatio n — If an ele ctronic leak detector in dicates a leak, use a soa p bub ble
solution, if possible, to confirm. Total all leak rat es for the entire machine . Leakage at rates
greater than 1 lb/year ( 0. 45 kg/year) for the enti r e m ac hi ne must be repaired. Not e total
machine leak rate on the start -up report. This leak rate repair is only for new start-ups. See
operating machine le ak rate/repair recomme ndations in the General Maintenance se ction.