Hot Alignment Check for Open-Drive Machines
Alignment of compres so r wit h heat exchangers, gear, and driver may be affected by the
operating temperatur e s of the various compone nts. When all machine co m pon ents have
reached operating temperature (after running near full load for 4 to 8 hours), make a hot
alignment check.
With the proper equipmen t and procedure, hot che ck can be made with either as s em bl ed or
disassembled cou plings. The pr ocedures are det ailed in the Maintenance sect ion.
A clamping tool, Part No. TS-170, is available fo r ch ec k in g alignment without di sassembling
the couplings. Check wi th your local Carrier repr e sentative.
Doweling for Open-Drive Machines
The size, quantity, an d loc a tion of dowels vary con siderably with type and arr a ngement of
gear and drive. Check you r job data for specific dow eling instructions. Typical doweling
practices are described in the Mainte nance section.
Never operate compresso r or drive with coupling guards remo ved. Serious injury
can result from contact w ith rotating equipmen t.