4. The starter for a centrifugal compressor motor must con tain the components and terminals
required for PIC refrig eration control . Ch eck certified drawin gs .
5. Check the voltage to the following component s and compare to the nam epl ate values: oil
pump contact, pumpout compressor starter, and power panel.
6. Be sure that fused disconnects or circuit breakers have been supplied for the oil pump,
power panel, and pump out unit.
7. Check that all electrical e quipment and controls are properly ground ed in accorda nce with
job drawings, certif ie d drawings, and all appl icable electrical c od es.
8. Make sure that the customer’s contractor has verified proper operation of the pumps,
cooling tower fans, and as s oc i ated auxiliary equi pment. This includes en suring that motors
are properly lubricat ed and have proper ele ctrical supply and prop er rotation.
9. Tighten up all wiring connections to the plugs on the SMM, 8-input, and PSIO modules.
10. Ensure that the voltage selector switch ins id e the power panel is swi tch ed to the incoming
voltage rating.
11. On machines with free - s ta nding starters, ins pe ct the power panel to en sure that the
contractor has fed th e wires into the bottom of the panel. Wiring int o the top of the panel ca n
cause debris to fall int o t he contactors. Clean and inspect the contact ors if this has