Initial Start-Up


Before starting the machine, check that the:
1. Power is on to the main starter, oil pump relay, tower fan starter, oil heater relay, and the
machine control center.
2. Cooling tower water is at proper level, and at or belo w design entering temp er at ure.
3. Machine is charged wit h r ef rigerant and all refri gerant and oil valves are in th eir proper
operating position.
4. Oil is at the proper leve l in t he reservoir sight glass e s.
5. Oil reservoir tempe r at ure is above 140 F (60 C) or refrig erant temperature pl us 50° F
(28° C).
6. Valves in the evapora to r and condenser water circ u its are open.
Note: If pumps are not automati c , mak e sure water is circulatin g properly.
7. Check the starter to ensure it is ready to start and that all safety circuits have been reset. Be
sure to keep the starter door closed.