When the test is finishe d, or the EXIT softkey is presse d, the test will be stopped an d the

Control Test menu will be di splayed. If a specifi c aut omated test procedure is not completed,

access the particula r co nt rol test to test the functi on when ready. The Control Test menu is

described as follows.

Automated Tests
PSIO Thermistors
Options Thermistors
Guide Vane Actuator
Discrete Outputs
Pumpdown/Lock out
Terminate Lockout
As described above, a complete control test.
Check of all PSIO ther mistors only.
Check of all options bo ards thermistors.
Check of all transdu cers.
Check of the guide vane o peration.
Check operation of pump outp uts, either all pumps can be act ivated, or indi-
vidual pumps. The test will also test the associated input such as flow or
Activation of all on/ off outputs or individuall y.
Pumpdown prevents the l ow refrigerant alarm during evacuation so refriger-
ant can be removed from the unit; locks the compressor off; and starts the
water pumps.
To charge refrigerant and enable the chiller to run after pumpdown lockout.
Click here f or Table 7 — Control Test Men u Functions