Note: Refer to weights speci fi ed on certified drawin g to determine proper lift ing equipment
required for specific c om po nents or assemblies .
Open-Drive Motor Storage
If the machine is to be plac ed in extended shutdown , cer t ain precautions mu s t be taken to
provide proper prote c ti on while the motor is bein g stored. The motor shou ld be stored under
cover in a clean, dry locat ion and should be protect ed from rapid temper at ure changes.
Since moisture can be ver y det rimental to electrica l components, the mot or temperature
should be maintained at ap proximately 5° F (3° C) abo ve the dew point temper at ure by
providing either exte rnal or internal heat. If th e motor is equipped with space heaters, they
Uneven lifting must always be avoided. When single point lifting is to be used,
slings of equal lengths must always be used to avoid uneven lifting.
Under no circumstances should the motor be lift ed using the shaft as an attac h-
ment point.