Monitored Parameter Limit Applicable Comments
Temperat ure Sens ors Out
Of Range
–40 to 245 F (–40 to 118.3 C) Must be outside range for 2 seconds
Pressure Tran sducers Out
Of Range
0.08 to 0.98 Voltage Ratio Must be outside rang e for 2 seconds.
Ratio = Input Voltage ÷ Vol tage Refer-
Compressor D ischarge
>220 F (104.4 C) Preset, alert setting configurable
Motor Winding Temper a tur e >220 F (104.4 C) Preset; alert setting configurable
Bearing Temperatur e >220 F (104.4 C) Preset; alert setting configurable
Evaporator Refr ig er ant
Temperature (T emp
converted from Pres sure
<33 F (for water chilling) (0.6° C) Preset; configure chilled medium for
water (Service1 tab le)
<Brine Refrigerant Trippoint (set point
adjustable from 0 to 40 F [ –18 to 4 C]
for brine chilling)
Configure chilled me dium for brine
(Service 1 t a bl e) . A dj us t b r in e re f r ig er a n t
trippoint for prope r cutout
Transducer Voltage <4.5 vdc > 5.5 vdc Preset (Read voltag e at terminals 34
and 35 on PSIO module)
Condenser Pressure – Switch
– Control
>218 psig ± 7 psig (1503 ± 48 kPa),
reset at 120 ± 10 (827 ± 69 kPa) Preset
215 psig (1482 kPa) Preset
Oil Pressure – Switch
– Control
Cutout <11 psid (76 kPad) ± 1.5 psid
(10.3 kPad) Cut-in > 16. 5 psid (114
kPad) ± 4 psid (27.5 kPad)
Preset, no calibratio n needed
Cutout < 15 psid (103 kPad)
Alert < 18 psid (124 kPad) Preset
Line Voltage — High
— Low
— Single-cycle
>110% for one minute Preset, based on transf ormed line volt-
age to 24 vac rated-input to the Starter
Management Module. Also monitored a t
PSIO power input.
<90% for one minute and ≤85 % for 3
<50% for one cycle
Compressor Mo tor Load
(% Compres sor Amps)
>110% for 30 seconds Preset
<10% with compressor run ning Pre set
>10% with compressor off Preset