Check Optional Pumpout Compressor Water Piping
If the optional storage tank and/or pumpout system are installed, check to ensure the
pumpout condenser wat er has been piped in. Check f or field-supplied shut off valves and
controls as specifie d in t he job data. Check for refr ig erant leaks on field-in stalled piping.
Check Relief Devices
Be sure that relief devic e s have been piped to the outd oors in compliance wit h th e latest
edition of ANS I/ASHRAE Standa rd 15 and applic able local sa fety codes. Pipin g connections
must allow for access to the valve mechanis m for periodic inspection and leak testing.
Relief valves are set to reli eve at the 225 psig (1551 kPa) machine design pressu re.
Water must be within design limits, clean, and treated to ensure proper machine
performance and reduce the potential of tubing da mage due to corrosion, sca l-
ing, or erosion. Carri er assumes no responsib i lity for chiller damage resulting
from untreated or improperly treated water.