repair, recondition , or rebuild the motor, it is r ec o mmended that the near es t Westinghouse
apparatus repair facil ity be consulted.
In addition to a daily obse rvation of the appearanc e and operation of the moto r, it is
recommended that a gene ral inspection proce dur e be established to perio dically check the
following items:
1. Cleanliness, both ex t ernal and internal
2. Stator and ro tor (squirrel-cag e) windings
3. Bearings
On open ventilated motors, screens and louvers over the inlet air openings should not be
allowed to accumulat e any bu ild-up of dirt, lint, etc. that could restrict f r ee ai r movement.
Screens and louvers sho uld never be cleaned or di s tu rbed while the motor is in op eration
because any dislodge d dir t or debris can be drawn direc t ly into the motor.
If the motor i s equipped with air filters, they should be r eplaced (disposa ble type) or c leaned
and reconditioned (pe rmanent type) at a frequ enc y t hat is dictated by condi ti ons. It is better to
replace or reconditi on filters too often than not often enough.
Totally enclosed, air-to-air cooled (TEAAC) motors and totally enclosed, fan-cooled (TEFC)
motors require special cleaning considerat io ns. The external fan mu s t be cleaned thoroughly
since any dirt build-u p not removed can lead to imba lan ce and vibration. Al l of the tubes of the