Volatile Memory

Volatile memory

is memory incapable of being sustained if power is los t and subsequently
The 17/19EX hermetic cen trifugal liquid chil ler c on tains a microproces s or - ba sed control
center that monitor s and con trols all operations of the machine. The microp rocessor control
system matches the cooling capacity of the machine to the cooling load while providing state-of-
the-art machine protection. The system controls cooling load within the set point plus the
deadband by sensing the leaving chilled water or br i ne temperature, and re gul ating the inlet
guide vane via a mechanical ly linked actuator motor. The guide vane is a variable flow prewhirl
assembly that co ntrols the ref rigeration effe ct in the coole r by regulating the amount of
refrigerant vapor flo w into the compressor. A n inc r e ase in guide vane opening increases
capacity. A decrease in guide vane opening decrea ses capacity. Machine protection is provide d
by the processor which m oni tors the digital and anal og inputs and executes c ap acity overrides
or safety shutdowns, if required.
The memory of the PSIO and LID modules are volatile. If the battery in a module
is removed or damaged, all programming will be lost.