Command Groups
This command configures the access point’s country code, which identifies the country of operation and sets the authorized radio channels.
Note: You must reboot the Access Point for the country setting to take effect.
country <country_code>
country_code is a two character code that identifies the country of operation.
Table A‐6 lists the codes.
Table A-6 Country Codes
Country | Code | Country | Code | Country | Code | Country | Code |
Albania | AL | Ecuador | EC | Latvia | LV | Russia | RU |
Algeria | DZ | Egypt | EG | Lebanon | LB | Saudi Arabia | SA |
Argentina | AR | Estonia | EE | Liechtenstein | LI | Singapore | SG |
Armenia | AM | Finland | FI | Lithuania | LT | Slovak | SK |
| Republic |
Australia | AU | France | FR | Luxembourg | LU | Slovenia | SI |
Austria | AT | Georgia | GE | Macao | MO | South Africa | ZA |
Azerbaijan | AZ | Germany | DE | Macedonia | MK | Spain | ES |
Bahrain | BH | Greece | GR | Malaysia | MY | Sweden | SE |
Belarus | BY | Guatemala | GT | Mexico | MX | Switzerland | CH |
Belgium | BE | Hong Kong | HK | Monaco | MC | Syria | SY |
Belize | BZ | Hungary | HU | Morocco | MA | Taiwan | TW |
Bolivia | BO | Iceland | IS | Netherlands | NL | Thailand | TH |
Brazil | BR | India | IN | New Zealand | NZ | Turkey | TR |
Brunei | BN | Indonesia | ID | Norway | NO | Ukraine | UA |
Darussalam |
Bulgaria | BG | Iran | IR | Oman | OM | United Arab | AE |
| Emirates |
Chile | CL | Ireland | IE | Pakistan | PK | United | GB |
| Kingdom |
China | CN | Israel | IL | Panama | PA | Uruguay | UY |
Colombia | CO | Italy | IT | Peru | PE | Venezuela | VE |
Costa Rica | CR | Japan | JP | Philippines | PH | Vietnam | VN |
Croatia | HR | Jordan | JO | Poland | PL |
Cyprus | CY | Kazakhstan | KZ | Portugal | PT |
Czech Republic | CZ | North Korea | KP | Puerto Rico | PR |