•Group List is the list of groups for SNMP v3 users. The access point enables SNMP v3 users to be assigned to three pre‐defined groups. Other groups cannot be defined. The available groups are:
–RO is a read‐only group using no authentication and no data encryption. Users in this group use no security, authentication or encryption, in SNMP messages they send to the agent. This is the same as SNMP v1 or SNMP v2c.
–RWAuth is a read/write group using authentication, but no data encryption. Users in this group send SNMP messages that use an MD5 key/password for authentication, but not a DES key/password for encryption.
–RWPriv is a read/write group using authentication and data encryption. Users in this group send SNMP messages that use an MD5 key/password for authentication and a DES key/password for encryption. Both the MD5 and DES key/passwords must be defined.
–Security Level
‐noAuthNoPriv uses no authentication or privacy
‐authNoPriv requires authentication, but not privacy
‐authPriv requires authentication and privacy
–WriteView allows write access to set objects.
–Action Add adds a new group; Edt allows you to edit an existing group; Del deletes the group.
•SNMP Targets
–Target ID is the name you enter to identify the SNMP target. Maximum: 32 characters.
–IP Address is the IP address of the user.
–UDP port is the UDP port of the server.
–SNMP user is the name of the user. This name must match the name you entered in SNMP Users.
–Filter ID is the filter ID that you entered in the SNMP Filter section.
–Action Add adds a new target; Edt allows you to edit an existing target; Del deletes the target.
•SNMP Filter
–New Filter is the name you enter to identify a filter that includes or excludes certain notifications. Maximum: 32 characters.
–Filter Type specifies whether the filter includes or excludes the specified notification. Includes means that notifications that are part of the subtree will be filtered out. Exclude means that notifications that are part of the subtree will be sent.
–Subtree is an OID string that specifies the family of subtrees included or excluded by this filter. The string must be preceded with a period (.).
For example, .
–Action Add adds a filter; Edt allows you to edit an existing filter; Del deletes the filter.
RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Configuration Guide