CDP Settings
CDP Settings
Cabletron Discovery Protocol (CDP) settings controls how the AP uses CDP to discover neighbors on the physical LAN to which it connects.
Using Web Management
Select CDP Settings from the menu. The CDP Settings page appears.
Note: The Port Status overrides the Global Status. Make the same selections for both global and port status or make sure the port status settings match the behavior you want.
•Global Status:
–Disable ‐ disables this AP from using CDP.
–Enable ‐ enables this AP to use CDP and to send information about itself at the specified Transmit Frequency.
–Auto ‐ enables this AP to use CDP and to send information about itself when it receives hello packets. Default: Auto
•Hold Time (15‐600): Specifies amount of time in seconds that the AP retains neighbor entry
after receiving last hello packet. Default: 180
•Transmit Frequency (5‐900): Interval in seconds between AP transmission of CDP hello packets.
Default: 60
•Authentication Key: Specifies a character string of up to16‐bytes to use as an authentication key for CDP packets.