Initial Configuration Steps
Using the CLI
To use the CLI to minimally configure the access point, follow these steps:
1.Make a serial connection to the access point’s console port as described in the RoamAbout Access Point 3000 Hardware Installation Guide.
2.Use terminal emulation software to connect to the access point’s CLI.
3.Enter admin for the user name, and password for the password to log in. The access point 3000 CLI prompt appears.
Username: admin
RoamAbout 3000#
4.Set the Country Code. This restricts operation of the access point to the radio channels permitted for wireless networks in the specified country.
a. Type country ? to display the list of countries.
RoamAbout 3000#country ?
WORD Country code:
b.Determine the code for your country, and then type country followed by your country code (for example, country US for United States).
c.Reboot the RoamAbout Access Point 3000.
RoamAbout 3000#country US
Please reset the AP to make the country code change effective
RoamAbout 3000#reset board
Reboot system now? <y/n>: y
Username: admin
RoamAbout 3000#