802.1x description 4-66enable options 4-66
session key refresh rate 4-67session timeout 4-67
802.1x supplicant 4-14
Access mode abbreviations A-9Advanced configuration 4-1Applications 1-2Authentication 4-14
configuring 4-66, A-136
MAC address 4-67, A-95, A-96type 4-60
Basic Service Set See BSS Beacon
interval 4-52, A-130rate 4-52, A-131
BOOTP A-119,A-121Broadcast key refresh rate 4-67BSS 2-3
Cabletron discovery protocol see CDP
CDP A-115,A-116auto-enableA-111disable A-112enable A-113hold-timeA-114
channel 4-51, A-127CLI A-1
CLI Commands for 802.1x Authentication 4-68, 4-74
command modes A-6country code
configuring 3-2
default username and password 3-2gateway address 3-3
IP address configuring 3-3
RADIUS MAC Authentication 4-72reset back to factory defaults B-1reset the password A-23secure-access A-125
com port A-16CLI A-16, A-23
Web management 4-38community name, configuring A-58community string A-58Configuration commands A-6Configuration settings, saving or
restoring 4-40, A-77configure command A-10
country code configuring A-18
CSMA/CA 1-1CTS A-135
Default IP address 3-5Default settings B-1
Device status, displaying 4-78DHCP 4-5, A-119, A-121distances, maximum C-2DNS 4-6, A-118
Domain Name Server See DNS downloading software 4-39, A-77DTIM 4-52, A-131
Encryption 4-60, 4-62, A-137end command A-10Ethernet type 4-18
Event level descriptions 4-43Event logs 4-90
Exec definition A-9
Exed command mode A-6exit command A-10
factory defaults restoring 4-40, A-13
Features and benefits 1-2Filter
management access 4-18VLANs 4-49
filter A-95
between wireless clients A-102local bridge A-102management access A-103protocol types A-103
VLANs A-170Filter control 4-17Firmware
displaying version 4-38, 4-40downloading 4-40upgrading 4-39, 4-40
displaying version A-45upgrading A-77
Flash/File commands A-76Fragment length 4-52fragmentation-length command A-132
Gateway address 4-6gateway address A-2, A-119GC definition A-9General commands A-10Getting help xiv
hardware version, displaying A-45HTTPS A-27
HTTPS server command A-27
IAPP A-153
ibss-relay command A-134IC definition A-9
IEEE 802.11a 1-1, 4-47, A-109configuring interface A-109maximum data rate 4-51, A-126radio channel 4-51, A-127
IEEE 802.11b 4-47
IEEE 802.11f A-153
IEEE 802.11g 4-47configuring interface A-109maximum data rate A-126radio channel 4-51, A-127
IEEE 802.1x A-88configuring 4-66, A-88
Initial configuration CLI procedure 3-2
default username and password 3-2overview 3-1
using the CLI 3-1
Intended audience xiii IP address 4-6
BOOTP/DHCP A-119, A-121configuring 4-5, A-119, A-121
Local MAC 4-67
Local MAC Authentication 4-67Log
messages 4-43, 4-90log
messages A-31server 4-42, A-31Logging Console 4-42
logging host command A-31Logging level 4-42logging on command A-31Login
logon authentication RADIUS client A-81
MAC address authentication 4-67
MAC address, authentication A-95, A-96
MAC Authentication
MAC address username 4-9RADIUS server password
required 4-9
MAC Authentication Settings 4-68