Using the CLI
From the global configuration mode, use the qos mode command to set the type of classification (SA, DA, Ether‐Type, 802.1p‐Tag) that you want the access point to use.
•If you select source (SA) or destination (DA) address, you must use the qos mac‐address command to configure at least one MAC address for the qos mode to take affect. To display the QoS settings, use the show qos command from the Exec mode.
RoamAbout 3000#configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#qos mode SA
RoamAbout 3000(config)#qos
RoamAbout 3000# RoamAbout 3000#show qos QoS information
QoS Mode : Source Address
Address Priority
RoamAbout 3000#
•If you selected Ethernet Type, you must use the qos ether‐type command to configure at least one Ethernet type classification and the priority for the qos mode to take affect. To display the QoS settings, use the show qos command from the Exec mode.
RoamAbout 3000#configure
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CTRL/Z RoamAbout 3000(config)#qos mode
RoamAbout 3000(config)#qos
RoamAbout 3000(config)#exit RoamAbout 3000# RoamAbout 3000#show qos QoS information
QoS Mode : Ethernet Type
Ether_Type Priority
RoamAbout 3000#